Subject: Re: Falcon Screen (was: Re: Success!)
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dan Hastings <>
List: port-atari
Date: 12/13/1996 09:59:23
*** Resending note of 11/12/96 11:16
>>> On my Falcon this happens only in the ST kompatible vidoe modes.
>>> I think that the reason of this effect is a timing problem (do you

I've discovered it only seems to happen in monochrome - as soon as I
changed to 640x480x2 instead of x1, it works ok. :) Trouble is I get
A few problems with programs that don't seem to realise the screen
is bit-planed... :/ I'll have to try recompiling and see if that

>> it, where do I find the code to change to switch the default ite
>> size to 640x480 rather than 640x400? ;)
> ../arch/atari/dev/ite_cc.c. Look for: /cint ite_default_x/ . Just drop
> in your defaults and re-compile. You can also binpatch(1) them.

Ick. I changed the default to 640 x 480 and recompiled... the result
was corruption on the last 80 lines of the screen  - looks like the
640x400 screen size is hardcoded somewhere in there?

As to binpatch... is there a list somewhere of kernel things that
can be binpatch'ed?