Subject: Re: Xdaniver problem
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Gerner <>
List: port-atari
Date: 10/06/1997 19:02:32
In article <>, (Michael Brandt) writes:
>I just tried to start Xdaniver on a TT with VGA-Monitor and get the following
>error message:
>        mmapping bitmap: Invalid argument
>I tried TT-medium and ST-high. The same program with a TTM195 monochrome screen
>(TT-high) works fine.

It should work in all TT resolutions except those whith 4 color. But then
another message should printed. The above message tells, that mmap fails.
this can happen, if the requestet memory is larger than the possible or
the file handle is wrong.

>Do I need to change any configuration files or doesn't Xdaniver work in
>TT-medium and ST-high at all?

Are you shure you have enough st_pool_size configured? Use binpatch to
change st_pool_size.


|   Thomas Gerner, Munich, Germany       |      2B or not 2B = FF       |
|   Email:      |                              |