Subject: Re: IKBD-Project
To: None <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 10/23/1997 08:50:33
Hi Andre,

[ explanation of MF-2-Scancodemode ]
> I will make a basic language-set and a Program which generates the
> EPROM-image. (Then you only have to 'burn' it.)

I think this exactly what I wanted to have ;-) Moreover, it means that we
can share key-map tables with the i386 port and probably some others.

> > > Another feature will be a hotkey for switching the modes.
> > 
> > Be _very_ careful what key you pick here because that key will be unavailable
> > for other purposes forever!
> That's right. I will implement a way to change the defaultkey and turn
> all non-standard functions seperatly off.

Ok. I hope 'a way' means by sending a command packet to the keyboard?

[ ... ]

> > > The 64k-EPROM has enough space for about 50-60 different 
> > > translation-tables. It is also possible to use a smaller EPROM.
> > 
> > Personally, I would keep the number of built-in tables to a bare minimum
> > and allow tables to be loaded on demand.
> There will be a IKBD-EPROM generator where you can decide which tables have to
> be used (and of course the quantity or default tables...).

Actually, what I meant here was that the best thing to do here was to let
TOS receive MF-2 codes and translate it to whatever it wants by means of a
translation table that can be loaded. I don't know if this is possible
(TOS-wise I mean). This is particulary easier for people that don't have
EPROM burners directly at hand (eq. me ;-)

Anyway, I'm aready looking forward for the new ikbd-prom!
