Subject: Re: Problems with new 1.3.1 kernel
To: None <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 03/22/1998 14:25:45
[ Sorry for the delay... ]
On Wed 18 Mar 1998, Michael Brandt wrote:
> Hi,
> I just tried to update to NetBSD 1.3.1, but the newly compiled kernel crashed
> during initilization. I took the following steps:
> - Applied the patches from to my 1.3 sources.
> - Compiled the new libraries.
> - Installed the new libraries in the running system.
> - Created a new compilation directory for the kernel with the old "config".
> (As far as I could see there were no patches to the config program).
> - Built the rest of the programs and the kernel.
> When I try to boot with the new kernel, it crashes with an error message from
> the vm system. I can repeat the process and write down the stack trace if that
> is needed.
I'm afraid you'll have to provide some more info. The exact error messages
and, if possible, a stack trace.
I just tried an 1.3.1 kernel on my Hades, but it booted without problems.