Subject: Re: ATARITT
To: Martin-Eric Racine <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 09/08/1999 09:58:57
On Tue 07 Sep 1999, Martin-Eric Racine wrote:
> > > no one is able to tell me how I can figure out the type of floppy drive
> > > present (without writing to diskettes that is ;-) If you have a hint in
> >
> > AFAIR there is a location in TT hardware registers adress space where you
> > can read dip switches settings.
> It is a documented feature of BIOS (or XBIOS, not sure off-hand)
> to report the size of the largest drive found. This means that,
> if you have 1.44M on A and 720K on B, 1.44 will be reported. The
> Atari Compendium tells this in the memory map listing too, AFAIR,
> not just the BIOS/XBIOS section.
I would be happy if either one of you could provide me with the info. It
would be nice to finally solve this item ;-) I couldn;t find my Compendium
CD yesterday evening, so I couldn't check the hardware section. But I remember
haveing done that already hunting for the dipswitch locations - to no avail
that was...