Subject: Riebl card jumper settings for TT revisited
To: None <>
From: Lubo Mitanek <>
List: port-atari
Date: 09/03/2002 20:06:02
I got hold of an PAM's NET Lance based card I'd like to use on my TT. The
problem is, it looks completely different to the card described in Atari NetBSD
The card looks like the following:
"top side"
| .__ A |
| |
B | ++
N-+ ||
C | ||
| || VME
| .. ||
| __ ||
A-+ .. ||
U | __ B __ .. ||
I-+ .. .. ++
| __C D .. |
| |
All of these are not the jumpers you can flip up or down, just the pins sticking
out the board, you need the small black thingies to close them.
Also please note that the AUI abd BNC ports a swapped on my card. The card
itself has got the AMD 7990 chip, and there is a sticker on one of the chips
saying "PAM's NET". Debian identified the card during installation as
AtariLance. However any access (netstat, etc.) failed with status code 063
(whatever that means, didn't find any info on this anywehere), and I think it is
of the wrong jumper setting. I need to use the AUI with a TP media converter, so
that I can use normal RJ-45 connector on a 10Base-T cable.
The D jumpers are numbered J6-J1 from top to bottom, C jumpers (from top to
bottom) J21-unknown, as I
cannot make it out from the board. Absolutely no idea about the B jumper, and
the A reads JL (yes, capital L).
.. means pin open, __ means closed.
Any idea anyone? Any info highly appreciated.
Lubo Mitanek