Subject: Re: Atari installation
To: peter slegg <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 02/14/2003 23:25:27
On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 04:04:24PM +0200, peter slegg wrote:
> Hi,
> I am considering installing NetBSD on my Milan060 and so
> I downloaded the CD ISO image.
> The instructions talk of creating installation and boot floppies
> but the folder /atari/installation/floppy does not exist.
Yup, something got messed up. The contents of the /atari/installation/misc
directory is what should have been in the /atari/installation/floppy
directory. The intended contents of the /atari/installation/misc directory
are gone...
So that means you can find all the tos-tools for 1.6 on the floppies.
But there are more faults in the 1.6 installation:
- The 1.6 Kernels for the Milan and Hades have to few md devices. This
will be corrected in 1.6.1. I have just uploaded the preliminary 1.6.1
kernels for the Milan to Look in the directory:
Those kernels can be used with 1.6 without problems.
- The documentation is wrong wrt. the md boot device. When using 1.44MB
floppies and the sysinst installer (the situation for your Milan
installation), you should use md2a as root device.
This should give you enough rope to start the installation I hope. If you
need more info, please ask!
PS: When things go wrong, don't work as expected or are otherwise flaky,
please post them!