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Re: Current kernel with http://gnats.netbsd.org/39965 and pmap patches

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Izumi Tsutsui 
<tsutsui%ceres.dti.ne.jp@localhost> wrote:
> [Hmm, a message with large diff seems caught by filter; resend without it]
>> As a side note: it seems that some of the latest patches (probably pmap sync)
>> cause FALCON kernel to freeze before kernel prints any messages with 68060
>> cpu. I used BOOTX to test things and it does not have this problem.
> Does it mean FALCON with pmap-sync3.diff doens't work on 68060
> while FALCON with pmap-sync2.diff and BOOTX with pmap-sync3.diff work?

pmap-sync2.diff and pmap-sync3.diff worked with BOOTX kernel on 68060.
I made my tests with BOOTX and when I tried FALCON kernel it failed with 68060.
I only tried FALCON kernel with pmap-sync which included some current changes
from atari/atari/pmap.c and atari/include/pmap.h.

I'll try to find some time to check out this issue with updated current source
tree and your pmap-sync diff.

> Anyway, here is the latest diff based on pmap-sync3.diff
> againt HEAD (for MI pmap_kernel() changes):
> http://www.ceres.dti.ne.jp/~tsutsui/netbsd/atari-HEAD-20081228.diff



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