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Re: atari sysinst.fs overflow again

On Nov 24, 12:20am, tsutsui%ceres.dti.ne.jp@localhost (Izumi Tsutsui) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: atari sysinst.fs overflow again

| christos@ wrote:
| > You need sort -u for that and although uniq in sed is 'N;/^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P;D',
| > it would not work, but this does:
| [..]
| Thanks.
| Anyway it looks distrib/atari/floppies/prepare has not been tested
| for many years (prepare/list doesn't include sysctl) so I'll test
| and commit the "prepare" part separately.
| On the otherhand, changes for distrib/atari/floppies/install
| using mount_kernfs works, but the capacity is already 99%.
| I've also checked which binaries are actually getting larger
| between netbsd-8 and HEAD:
| Object           netbsd-8   HEAD  diff
| --------------------------------------
| getnet.o             904     904     0
| setlocale.o          940     940     0
| strerror.o          1044    1044     0
| strsignal.o         1064    1064     0
| getnetgr.o          1076    1076     0
| utmp.o              1144    1144     0
| perror.o            1180    1180     0
| localeconv.o        1268    1268     0
| dmesg.cro           1928    1928     0
| loadkmap.cro        2084    2084     0
| multibyte.o         2244    2240    -4
| mkdir.cro           2892    2892     0
| yplib.o             3040    3040     0
| syslog.o            3128    3128     0
| umount.cro          3360    3340   -20
| chroot.cro          3576    3572    -4
| chmod.cro           3648    3656     8
| getgrent.o          3764    3756    -8
| getpwent.o          4068    4060    -8
| reboot.cro          4444    4444     0
| runetable.o         4536    4536     0
| mount_cd9660.cro    4596    4600     4
| mount_ffs.cro       4604    4604     0
| chown.cro           4732    4720   -12
| ln.cro              5700    5700     0
| mount_msdos.cro     5968    5968     0
| cat.cro             6396    6388    -8
| getcap.o            6524    6532     8
| init.cro            7136    7112   -24
| mv.cro              7644    7644     0
| rm.cro              8448    8440    -8
| mknod.cro           8896    8872   -24
| df.cro              9376    9356   -20
| progress.cro       10144   10136    -8
| gzip.cro           11708   11768    60
| installboot.cro    13428   13420    -8
| mount.cro          13516   13492   -24
| mount_nfs.cro      13940   13916   -24
| cp.cro             14380   14428    48
| fsck.cro           16588   16564   -24
| ahdilabel.cro      16952   16948    -4
| dd.cro             20616   20600   -16
| ls.cro             20676   20668    -8
| stty.cro           21688   21600   -88
| libhack.o          25808   25792   -16
| route.cro          26216   26136   -80
| ping.cro           27792   27780   -12
| disklabel.cro      29420   28096 -1324
| sed.cro            31476   31408   -68
| sysctl.cro         36832   36760   -72
| newfs.cro          44724   44708   -16
| ifconfig.cro       81468   81412   -56
| pax.cro           114512  114296  -216
| fsck_ffs.cro      134548  134356  -192
| ftp.cro           152312  151952  -360
| sh.cro            189256  193692  4436
| sysinst.cro       238240  237952  -288
| instbin          1292544 1344212 51668
| --------------------------------------
| So most binaries (except sh) are smaller or equal,
| but the crunched instbin is 50KB larger.
| Is there any way to check which changes pull this extra 50KB?
| I guess some extra functions are pulled from libc or
| some libc functions are changed, but I can't find obvious ones
| in instbin symbols.
| The visible additional symbols are the following ones:
|  __assertion_failed
|  crypto_core_selftest_vector()
|  default_assertion_failed()
|  set_assertion_failure_callback()
|  assertion_type_to_text()
| I also built instbin on HEAD with src/bin/sh reverted to netbsd-8,
| but some extra functions are still pulled from libc:
| Object           netbsd-8 HEAD(*) diff  (*: bin/sh is netbsd-8)
| --------------------------------------
| sh.cro            189256  189748   492
| instbin          1292544 1319388 26844

The assertion stuff is from libc/isc
crypto_core_selftest_vector is arc4random.


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