Subject: php4/mod_php and php/mysql_cleint on a qube2 install question....
To: None <>
From: Wayne Ringling <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 06/17/2003 16:50:14
I recently converted my qube2 to netbsd using the recovery cd that was
was created by one of the users on this list (btw thank-you it kicks
ass). I got apache 1.3.27 to install and running and now I am trying to
install php4 and mysql client (i know the server doesn't run on mips
yet). For starters when I look on the netbsd site for the php4 file I
onyl see ap-php-4.1.2.tgz. When I try to add that package it fails with
can't untar the file, but when I untar it manually I get some of the
normal files and a lib/httpd/ (I think) files. Any ideas
what I am doing wrong? Secondly, I went looking for the mysql-client
file to satisfy the php_mysql file but I can't find the mysql_client on
the ftp server either. Should I compile it from src? Any Ideas
I am hoping to breath a little new life into this little work horse.