Subject: Selling my Qube2's at last
To: None <>
From: Wayne Ringling <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 01/29/2005 11:10:47
I have enjoyed using my small fleet of Cobalt Qube2\'s for a long time,
but it has come time that I 
have moved on to the mini itx platform.  I have I think its 8 or 9 to
sell.  Some have hd\'s and
some don\'t, but they all have the memory maxed out.  I believed in lots
of memory in them,  less
disk swapping.  So if anyone is interested in a Qube2 or parts (I have a
box full of stuff for
them)  Please email me off list.  Some of the units also have oversized
power supplies for multi
hard disk cfgs.  (I once had a Qube2 that had three full size hd\'s in


btw - Sorry in advance if this is not the right place to post this.  I
just wanted to give this
list first shot at them because you guys have helped with getting netbsd
on the qube2\'s.
