Subject: Re: Cobalt XTR
To: None <>
From: Peter Zinc <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 06/01/2005 08:12:16
thanks for the reply Al!
On 5/30/05, <> wrote:
> Yes, NetBSD runs on this hardware; it is coverted by the port-i386.
I was able to check out the link you gave me and it seems that the
kernels there are gziped already (cool) i think I'll give
netbsd-GENERIC.gz a test run
> > * slice the 40gb hd i have and format 20mb to ext2
> You will not do this until you are able to netboot the system and then it
> will need to be done like this:
> mke2fs -r 0 -O none /dev/wd0e
i have an existing OPENBSD box i can try to netboot from there and do the=
mke2fs -r 0 -O none /dev/<whatever-id-my-hard-drive-will-be>=20
> > * copied the netbsd-GENERIC.gz kernel into root directory
> > (
> It will not boot form this kernel, you need an kernel from port-i386.
> There is a limit on how big the kernel can be, so I would try one from:
i think the flashrom on the cobalt xtr is around 1mb i think (got to
check the cobalt Specs doc i have) but .. I'll give it a try and see
what happens :)
> > * and lastly the bfd /netbsd-GENERIC.gz nfsroot=3D/home/raq/root
> This is to netboot a kernel from another computer. You will need to creat=
> a directory /home/raq/root/ and put in an i386 kernel there called
> netbsd-GENERIC.gz.
this is what i was planning to do since the xtr doesn't have any other
means to get install files other than through netbooting
> > but it still loads up the linux kernel instead of the kernel i've just
> > specified.
> This is because it is unable to find the netbsd kernel.
> > maybe you guys can point me to some parts that I might be missing.
> I think that it would be helpful to install NetBSD on the system that you
> will be placing your root file system on for the cobalt to boot from. The=
> create a directory called "/home/raq/root". Then download the i386
> binaries and untar them into that directory. Then gzip the kernel with
> "gzip -9 netbsd" (do not change the name). Next setup dhcp and nfs and yo=
> will need to install minicom on a system that is connected to your cobalt
> via a null modem. You will need to turn the console on by using an ink pe=
> or something that will go into the hole on the front of the cobalt. Hold
> in that button while turning it on. Then run minicom and turn on your
> cobalt. Hit the space bar and then it should give you a prompt. Then
> type: bfd /netbsd.gz nfsroot=3D/home/raq/root
on the cobalt XTR's case .. when you boot it up i use (cu -l
/dev/cua00 -s 115200) I was able to see the cobalt booting up .. i
just hit space bar before the rom tries to load the linux kernel it
has on it's eprom. then that's where i can issue commands like
bfn - boot from network
bfr - boot from romfs
bfd - boot from disk
together with a few other options i tried to search the internet for a
cobalt XTR boot-firmware manual of some sort but the only 2 docs i
have about xtr is the server manual and the technical specifications
(from =3D/
it would be really cool to have this box up and running since is just
sits on my room and acts as a door stopper
> You should then be able to do a manual install of NetBSD.
> -Al
> P.S. I am going to be selling a couple more cobalts. I could install
> NetBSD on one of them if you win it. This may be easier for you.
al, hehe :) thanks for the info man .. as for the cobalts your selling
i think i'll stay and play around with this one till i know more ..
about cobalts