Subject: Re: Updated RestoreCD iso image.
To: Christopher Schultz <>
From: Alex Pelts <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 06/22/2005 08:47:09
I am hosting a tracker which you guys can use. I also think that netbsd 
folks would not mind us using their tracker. Or would they? I am not 
sure even who to ask.

In any event my tracker is It is very easy 
to create torrent file. Instructions are all over the net. You don't 
need to do anything on the tracker. Just specify the tracker address 
when you are creating the torrent file and publish the file on the web. 
If you want me to host the .torrent file I can do it as well.


Christopher Schultz wrote:
> All,
>>I got a mirror for the iso image.
> If anyone can host a BitTorrent tracker, I'll download the image and
> share it (as I'm sure many others will).
> I'm not smart enough to create a tracker, though ;)
> -chris