Subject: update kernel-- gains? which version?
To: list NetBSD Cobalt <>
From: Brian McEwen <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 07/19/2006 05:59:06
Hi all-

I am running with a kernel from one of the helpful boot CDs-

from dmesg:

Jul 17 23:15:48 bmcewen /netbsd: NetBSD 3.99.7 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Jul   
3 11:00:03 CEST 2005

and using pkgsrc from -current, userland from July 2005.

What will I gain by updating to one of the more current ones- and if  
so, to which current version?  How best to do that?

I guess I'd like something that hasn't been changed in a few months  
and has been running stable for others- I'm doing OK now, I had one  
lockup in the last year due to unknown reasons, I could just blame it  
on cosmic rays- but if there have been changes to the kernel that  
would help fileserver performance that would be great to have- this  
little box mostly lives to bee a sftpd with light use.

Or, since it's working fine I could leave well enough alone, I  
haven't noticed any huge security issues being mentioned.  I thought  
I'd seen posts about performence improvements to the kernel for the  
Cobalt MIPS though, although I can't find them easily in the archived  
list at the moment--

Thanks for thoughts;
