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Re: Long downloads, network frozen

I have also noted lock-ups on a Raq2+ with 256MB RAM
on large file transfers.

Evgueni Tzvetanov wrote:
Hi all,

I believe it has been discussed here before, but I
just want to mention this again. I have a Qube II and
running 4.0 on it. It is with standard kernel and I
use it as multi-functional route/server. It is
behaving great, but there are some quirks:

1. When downloading a large file (DVD ISO image by
torrent for example) at some point in time (say
between 60 and 70% of the download the Qube freezes.
2. After about 3-4 months of normal usage of the
Internet  I have to reboot, because it is becoming
sluggish and responds very slowly in some cases.

Anyone experiencing the same with the Qube II?


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