Subject: GDROM device driver
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 01/22/2001 00:31:24
Ok, so now the quick-and-dirty GDROM device driver seems to work, so
I'm checking it in.  It saves a lot of time by removing the need for a
ramdisk at least.  To boot from cd, upload the kernel without a
ramdisk, and when you get the "root device" prompt, plonk in the cd
(if you haven't already done so) and type "gdrom0".  Leave the dump
device field empty, and type "cd9660" as file system.

You can find binaries to make a cd from at


These binaries are for the HPC port, but work fine on the Dreamcast.
Thanks to Itojun for suggesting the use of this snapshot.

NOTEZ BIEN:  Don't forget to make device nodes (/dev/console, /dev/null
etc.) on your cd!

  // Marcus