Subject: AW: Re: newer browser
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From: None <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/01/2001 09:47:20
DreamKey supports some media formats like midi, wav etc, but
not MP3. It supports Flash 3. The Broadband Passport (the
DreamKey shipped with the Jap. LAN Adapter) is developed, as
the other DreamKey as well, by Access Co. Ltd which is a 
japanese (and now american) company that develops software
for embedded systems and set-top boxes. Interestingly it
used embedded Java compatible software but is not able to
run java applets. On request developers at Access told me
they were going to release new version but I haven't seen
it yet. The Broadband Passport is definitely the original
DreamKey + Ethernet support.

In comparison with the PlanetWeb browser my impression was that
it makes better use of the limited screen size at least for
framed web sites.


> The DreamKey browser is much older than the PlanetWeb 2.6 
> browser. It's doubtful that it supports as much as the other
> (eg Flash 3, MP3, etc) but would require some testing to 
> prove for sure. Last I read, PlanetWeb 3.0 will include Java
> and broadband support. In addition, I believe DreamKey
> is developed by yet another 3rd party but I don't recall for
> sure...