Subject: Re: Kernel guts newbee Q: Why is PCLOCK 50Mhz instead of DC's 200Mhz?
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/08/2001 03:46:19
>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Healey <> writes:

  Rob> 	As the subject says, why is PCLOCK set to 1/4 processor speed in the
  Rob> 	GENERIC config file?
  Rob> 	Is this a restriction of bus timing of some sort?
  Rob> 	Did I misread docs claiming the DC's SH4 runs at 200Mhz?

The CPU clock (ICLOCK) is at 200MHz.  The Peripheral module clock
(PCLOCK) is at 50MHz.  Read section 10 in the SH4 Hardware Manual.

  // Marcus