Subject: Re: ELF vs. COFF builds
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/12/2001 17:10:21
>>>>> "Tyrel" == Tyrel Beede <> writes:

  Tyrel> I was lurking around in addition to reading a few mails to
  Tyrel> the list by Andrew and I was wondering what the purpose would be to have
  Tyrel> a a system built in the elf binary format vs. the coff format.  As
  Tyrel> marcus's web page( lists some information about creating
  Tyrel> your own bootable CDs and it shows commands given on an elf file to make
  Tyrel> it compatable with the format for 1ST_READ.bin and I was wondering what
  Tyrel> the relevant command would be for a coff format file as I have used the

The args to objcopy are the same.  Any binary format supported by
libbfd will work.

  // Marcus