Subject: Re: NFS root
To: Marcus Comstedt <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/26/2001 19:49:57
On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Marcus Comstedt wrote:
> Hubert> If so, could it be made the default, and leave 32k as performance tuning
> Hubert> for 100MBd ethernet, to make things work out of the box?
> The problem is that the default value is global for all ports and
> NIC:s, and it would probably not be appreciated by people who has
> hardware that copes with the 32k buffer if we change it globally. The
> right way to solve this is probably to make the default buffer size
> into a kernel parameter.
OIC... Are the mount_nfs -r/w switches of any help?
(I'm not familiar with what the initially suggested value actually does,
obviously ;-)
- Hubert
Hubert Feyrer <>