Subject: Re: segfaults
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/28/2001 02:10:56
>>>>> "SAITOH" == SAITOH Masanobu <> writes:
SAITOH> I put new kernel and configuration file:
SAITOH> DCUSZEROTEST configuration file
SAITOH> This kernel is:
SAITOH> enabled both EXEC_COFF and EXEC_ELF
SAITOH> console is pvr
Ok, I've now tried booting up with your netbsd-DCUSZEROTEST kernel and
yout userland binaries (with an NFS root). The system comes up in
multiuser, I log in (using YP), and run /usr/games/trek. Immediately
I get:
Segmentation fault
I log out, and log in as root. Now /usr/games/trek suddenly works. I
log out as root and log in with my YP account again; /usr/games/trek
still works.
This is exactly the kind of behaviour I used to get with my old
binaries as well.
// Marcus