Subject: Re: Testing Binaries
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/01/2001 20:18:10
>>>>> "PrOfUnD" == PrOfUnD Darkness <> writes:

  PrOfUnD> Hi all, hi Marcus. I am new on this list and a newbie on the Dreamcast dev world ;-)
  PrOfUnD> I did read there is a kernel who boots from the CD in here:
  PrOfUnD> Thats what I was looking for, because I dont have the BB adapter to boot from NFS.

That image is pretty old now, someone should make a new one with
msaitohs ELF binaries and a fresh kernel.  (Don't look at me though,
too busy right now...)

  PrOfUnD> But I also heard the console output to TV is not working yet, and I have to use DC's
  PrOfUnD> serial to access it, thats true?

With the current kernel, there should be no problem with using a TV.
Even PAL50 is supported, although I haven't actually tested it...  :)

  // Marcus