Subject: Re: Testing Binaries
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/02/2001 17:17:07
>>>>> "Hubert" == Hubert Feyrer <> writes:
Hubert> What's the deal with VGA adapters?
Hubert> I also have trouble getting the VGA adapter to work
Hubert> with a relatively good VGA monitor (goes 1600x1280 with no sweat), while
Hubert> it works fine on an older model and a TFT model (saying it uses 640x480,
Hubert> 31kHz, 60Hz). Has anyone seen this before?
VGA output is always 31kHz 60Hz, so the fact that your monitor can do
1600x1280 is utterly irrelevant.... :-)
// Marcus