Subject: Re: Number Crunching
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/03/2001 18:19:39
>>>>> "Tyrel" == Tyrel Beede <> writes:

  Tyrel> I was thinking that the dreamcast has got to be a pretty good number
  Tyrel> crunching machine due to it's original line of work.  I'm wondering how
  Tyrel> this characteristic could be exploited in some sort of a number
  Tyrel> crunching facitily.  What would it be good for and does it have any
  Tyrel> advantage over a PC in this area?  Something perhaps suited for an
  Tyrel> application like finding prime numbers or crunching seti data?

For optimum preformance, you have to use single-precision floats, so
strict mathematic applications might not be the best bet.  You can do
very fast 1/4 x 4/4 matrix multiplications in single precision though,
so anywhere you need to transform a lot of vectors without too much
accuracy...  (Maybe SETI will be applicable, I haven't checked what
algorithms and precision demands are involved.)

  // Marcus