Subject: Modem Info, Hi, and Stuff.
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Vaughn <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/06/2001 06:59:03
This doesn't do any good without someone figuring out how to talk to the
which is on the other side of the expansion port, but here's where you can
the Conexant datasheet:

However, I have noticed something. My 56K DC modem has a part labeled:

The point of interest being, R6785-19. None of the PDFs I've found at Conexant
mention this variation of RP56LD, altho, as it is a 144-pin device, I assume
it to be a stripped down version of R6785-2x series chips (-21,-24,-26,-28).
Likely things stripped out would be speakerphone, voice signal interface,
possibly fax.

Oh, and hi. I'm new here :)

I'm wondering something (as I've yet to try booting NetBSD on my DC), how
does NetBSD view the expansion port? and how does the expansion port work,
exactly? I kinda get the gist of the maple bus (read some of that on one of
the many dc hacking pages.. ), but I have no idea on whatever it uses on the
expansion port.

So, what do I need to snag in order to burn a CD to boot NetBSD on the DC,
tho I don't have a BBA yet I could mount the CD as root (ro) and at least
try to
run stuff from the CD.. 

Another question: does NetBSD intercept whatever triggers the DC system
menu to
appear when you open the top? I assume it does.. anyway to detect it

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