Subject: Re: X-Box and PS2 port candidacy
To: None <carton@Ivy.NET>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/14/2001 22:47:36
>>>>> "Miles" == Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET> writes:
Miles> o The device is documented.
Miles> The DC is unique in this respect, because I think maybe Sega does
Miles> not have the technical/legal power to mask their own CPU's, so the
Miles> SH4 chip has documentation from Hitachi.
Um. Nobody¹ masks their own CPU's. It's simply not cost efficient to
do so. (It may have been in the early eighties, but not anymore.)
PSX and PSX2 use MIPS CPU's, and it's no problem to get docs for those
// Marcus
¹ Meaning "Nobody who is not primarily a major semiconductor
manufacturer" of course. After all, *somebody* has to make them. :-)