Subject: Re: maple_attach_dev
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/17/2001 00:07:36
>>>>> "Jason" == Jason R Thorpe <> writes:
Jason> Oh, drat -- I thought you meant "subunit".
Jason> So, e.g. a given port/subunit can have more than one "device" (i.e.
Jason> multiple functions)?
Yes. A Visual Memory for example, is both a beeper, a memory card,
and an LCD display. (A single device is restricted to three functions
as there is only room to store function data for three functions in
the device info message.) I did the changes you suggested (or rather,
which I _thought_ you were suggesting :), and the dmesg looks like
maple0 at shb0
Dreamcast Gun at maple0 port 0 not configured
Dreamcast Gun at maple0 port 0 not configured
Visual Memory at maple0 port 0 subunit 1 not configured
Visual Memory at maple0 port 0 subunit 1 not configured
Visual Memory at maple0 port 0 subunit 1 not configured
Puru Puru Pack at maple0 port 0 subunit 2 not configured
Dreamcast Controller at maple0 port 1 not configured
Puru Puru Pack at maple0 port 1 subunit 2 not configured
mkbd0 at maple0 port 2: Japanese keyboard
wskbd0 at mkbd0: console keyboard
Dreamcast Mouse at maple0 port 3 not configured
pvr0 at shb0: 640 x 480, 16bpp, VGA, RGB
Notice the three lines for the VM at port A1. (I didn't add the
function code to the printout.)
// Marcus