Subject: RE: IPupload/BBA
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/25/2001 23:59:04
>>>>> "RC5Stint" == RC5Stint <> writes:
RC5Stint> But first you need to do this:
RC5Stint> arp -s the.desired.IP.address the:MAC:address:goes:in:here
RC5Stint> You only have to run the arp command once; the BBA will remember its IP
RC5Stint> address because it stores this in the DC's configuration flash ROM.
This explanation is incorrect. The arp command will _not_ tell the
Dreamcast its IP number. (Nothing is sent to the DC.) It can
therefore not store it anyway. What the command does is to tell your
_computer_ the _MAC address_ of the DC. The computer will then
remember this number and translate IP to MAC internally so that the DC
doesn't need to know its own IP number.
In order to get an IP number configured in the flash, you have to run
some DC software that let's you do this manually, such as Broadband
Passport, or Quake III Arena.
// Marcus