Subject: RE:current status of dreamcast port
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/26/2001 18:10:14
I think what I was tring to say was that there is a theroy or a rumor
out and about that any "new" consoles out on the market will not boot
off of CDRs. Now it might just be a rumor but if anyone could verify
this I would love to know (thats why I have completly held off on buy a
And YES I do know that you MUST boot with some kind of CDR
yet it be an entire kernel or an uploader that you use along side your
BBA/Modem (this is where I was going about the modem working, I know you
can't boot straight from it.)
I was just giving some advice as such: If you want the BBA
just for NetBSD make sure you will be able to boot a CDR (Whole kernel
or Uploader) BEFORE investing for the BBA. (Connecting back to the rumor
that I have heard .. See above)
If you will use the BBA for more then just NetBSD say for games like
Quake III Arena then "All power to you!"
Back to the rumor.. could someone PLEASE "ONCE AND FOR ALL" clear this
up for me (about NEW consoles not booting CDRs) This is the reason I
have held off in buying a console!!!!
I was just tring to give the fellow a little advice that I picked up
from the board, but if anyone could clear up the lose ends I'll make
note of it.