Subject: Re: RE:current status of dreamcast port
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/27/2001 02:56:18
>>>>> "David" == David <> writes:
David> I think what I was tring to say was that there is a theroy or a rumor
David> out and about that any "new" consoles out on the market will not boot
David> off of CDRs. Now it might just be a rumor but if anyone could verify
David> this I would love to know (thats why I have completly held off on buy a
David> console).
I believe the consensus is that this applies to the Sakura Taisen
Special Edition consoles, and _only_ to those consoles. They are not
particularly hard to recognize, being pink and having Sakura Taisen
related decorations all over. They are also only available in Japan.
I have not heard of any other models having CD booting disabled.
// Marcus