Subject: RE: Modem Support [was ]
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/27/2001 16:30:43
>>>>> "David" == David Brownlee <> writes:

  David> 	Is the copyrighted code on a sega CD? If so would it be possible
  David> 	to have NetBSD read it from there? Alternatively... if sega were
  David> 	willing to release the restrictions on the compiled microcode it
  David> 	could be distributed with NetBSD.

The restriction is not imposed by SEGAs, but by Connexant (previously
Rockwell).  Also, the GDROM filesystem is by design unable to mount
the high density part of a GD (this is to keep the w@rez d00dz away),
and even if it wasn't, the scheme you suggest would be awkward at

  // Marcus