Subject: Re: PS/2 Keyboard Support "WHY"
To: Jonathan Vaughn <>
From: Matt LeSieur <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 06/30/2001 09:00:08
On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Jonathan Vaughn wrote:

> When I tried that with my 2-port KVM, even if I never switched sides PSO would
> be freaky.. hooking the keyb > adapter > DC straight worked fine, but the KVM
> made it freak. keys wouldn't work or stick or spit out random stuff.
> The KVM works fine on PCs tho

  I have been using a 4-port Cybex KVM switch for a couple of months
now, and I have not had any problems with it.  The keyboard adaptor
that I use is the MadKatz adapter.  Also if your interested, you can
get a PS/2 mouse adaptor which will allow you to plug a standard PS/2
mouse into a DC.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to test the PS/2
adapter since I don't have a game yet that supports the mouse.  I hope
to remedy that in the near future.

Matt LeSieur
Southern Connecticut State University
Administrative Computer Center