Subject: Re: TO: Whoever made the IDE card AND got it to work
To: <>
From: Lars Jorgensen <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 07/16/2001 15:37:03
On 16 Jul 2001 wrote:

> 7. I know someone on the internet who is WILLING to program ANY Flash
> Chip with ANY BIOS.  (Mostly x86 Machines) This can help for the people
> who doesn't know how to program Chips (AND HE WILL DO IT FOR JUST THE

I know SOMEONE on the INTERNET who is about THREE SECONDS from LANDING in my

David, give the hard drive thing a rest. Nobody on this list is interested,
people are focusing on getting BSD to run on readily available components
from Sega. If you're on a hard drive mission, then go ahead and crusade all
you want. But please stop bugging the people on this list.

It would be much more intelligent to talk to people who 1) have an interest
in getting a hard drive working on the Dreamcast and 2) are willing to
rewire the entire machine in order to do so.

Lars (who is perfectly happy with a BBA and an NFS server)