Subject: Re: TO: Whoever made the IDE card AND got it to work
To: Lars Jorgensen <>
From: Matt Harrington <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 07/17/2001 10:54:42
Maybe I'm not one to go hardware hacking and yes maybe that question could
have been better directed to the person who build the interface, but I am
still very interested in the answers to some of David's questions. I do not
think that it is your right to tell other people on the list what they are
or are not interested in.
on 7/16/01 9:37, Lars Jorgensen at wrote:
> On 16 Jul 2001 wrote:
>> 7. I know someone on the internet who is WILLING to program ANY Flash
>> Chip with ANY BIOS. (Mostly x86 Machines) This can help for the people
>> who doesn't know how to program Chips (AND HE WILL DO IT FOR JUST THE
> I know SOMEONE on the INTERNET who is about THREE SECONDS from LANDING in my
> David, give the hard drive thing a rest. Nobody on this list is interested,
> people are focusing on getting BSD to run on readily available components
> from Sega. If you're on a hard drive mission, then go ahead and crusade all
> you want. But please stop bugging the people on this list.
> It would be much more intelligent to talk to people who 1) have an interest
> in getting a hard drive working on the Dreamcast and 2) are willing to
> rewire the entire machine in order to do so.
> Lars (who is perfectly happy with a BBA and an NFS server)