Subject: Re: networking dreamcasts
To: Drew P. Vogel <>
From: M. R. Brown <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 11/29/2001 11:16:29
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* Drew P. Vogel <> on Thu, Nov 29, 2001:
> The controller ports connect to the maple bus, as does the serial port on
> the back. The bus itself is not limited to 256kbit/s, only each controller
> port (I assume this is to prevent what we see on a USB bus, where devices
> such as camera will start hogging the entire bandwidth). I do not know
> what the maximum throughput of the rear serial port is off the top of my
> head, but I doubt it is 2Mbit/s (for the same reason stated above).
The rear serial port has nothing to do with the Maple ports. The rear
serial port would exist even if you opened your Dreamcast and disconnected
the Maple controller ports.
You can find all the (accurate) info on the SCIF serial port in the SH7750
Hardware Manual. According to the Manual, you can achieve 2Mbit/s on the
M. R.
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