Subject: Re: Norwegian Blue NetBSD port
To: Brian Alliet <>
From: Adrian McMenamin <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/14/2002 23:50:53
On Thursday 14 Mar 2002 10:50 pm, Brian Alliet wrote:

>  From what I can tell, the move to ELF is the big thing now. I am sure
> there are also non dreamcast specific kernel issue that need to be
> worked out. You probably want to subscribe to the port-sh3 mailing list
> also (if you haven't already). That seems kinda dead now too, but thats
> where there non dreamcast specific discussion would go.

I have subscribed. I mainly get messages from West African con artists.

I am not offering to write any NetBSD code. I am offering to assist somebody 
who is.

But, clearly, the answer is that there is *nobody* out there writing any 
Dreamcast code for NetBSD. Hence - Norwegian Blue.