Subject: Re: Root and dump devices?
To: Josh Tolbert <>
From: Alex Kirk <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 08/27/2002 12:51:53
> When the thing boots, it sets the root
> device to /dev/gdrom0a, with a dump device of /dev/gdrom0b. After that
> point, the boot just hangs. That's probably not going to work. Is there
> any way to specify a valid dump device? 

When I specify the dump device manually, I just hit <ENTER> for the default. 
I don't think this is /dev/gdrom0b, though I could be wrong. If you really 
wan to do it that way, try not setting the dump device. 

> 	Any ideas? After I get the "static filesystem" booting (for those
> that want one), I'll work on a decent NFS/bootp/dhcpd setup. Any help you
> guys can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Honestly, though, I'd recommend going straight to NFS/bootp/dhcpd, as it's 
quite simple. If you don't already have a DHCPD server running, follow your 
man pages on whatever box will be providing it (BTW, if you have DHCPD 
running, BOOTP is pretty much going to run automatically). This config works 
for me: 

host dreamcast {
                       hardware ethernet 00:D0:F1:02:AE:B1;
                       option host-name "dreamcast";
                       next-server; #Your gateway/DHCPD box
                       option dhcp-max-message-size 1024;
                       option broadcast-address;
                       option domain-name-servers;
                       option domain-name "";
                       option root-path "/home/alex/dreamcast/2fs";

Just replace with your individual info. 

Setting up the NFS file system is just as easy. Use an /etc/exports like 

/home/alex/dreamcast/2fs -maproot=root -alldirs -network 192.168.2 -mask 

Just make sure you have the -maproot=root command, or the Dreamcast won't 
have appropriate permissions to mount the filesystem. The -alldirs isn't 
strictly necessary, it just allows you to mount points further down the 
filesystem if you want. -network is good for security, so some schmoe out on 
the Net can't mount your directoroy (unless of course he hacks into your 
internal network). 

Hope that's helpful. BTW, if you get up and running, and can compile 
anything without rebooting, please let me know -- I'm still having problems, 
even with a fairly current (~3 weeks old, I'm told) kernel. I can't even 
compile Lynx, it's kind of frustrating. 

Alex Kirk