Subject: rtk0 and swap space problems, along with a question about wscons
To: None <>
From: Josh Tolbert <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 08/31/2002 21:59:17
Hi port-dreamcast,
I'm trying to sup current allsrc on the Dreamcast to see if the
Dreamcast can build a world and kernel for itself. I'm running in to two
1) with a 32M NFS-backed swap file, the machine would use all of it's RAM,
almost 30M of the swap, crash and reboot. I couldn't see what the error
message was, nor is there anything in the logs. I suspect the Dreamcast
just used up all available memory during the first part of sup (requesting
changes). I worked around the problem by creating a 64M swap file. The
Dreamcast finishes the requesting changes portion of sup, but there's
other problems.
2) Aug 31 21:31:39 dreamcast /netbsd: rtk0: transmit underrun; new
threshold: 320 bytes
Aug 31 21:35:17 dreamcast /netbsd: nfs server not responding
Aug 31 21:39:08 dreamcast /netbsd: nfs server not responding
Aug 31 21:39:08 dreamcast /netbsd: nfs server is alive again
Aug 31 21:39:08 dreamcast /netbsd: nfs server is alive again
Those transmit underrun/new threshold messages make me nervous. The fact
that I lost / and swap NFS shares really makes me nervous. Are the two
missing shares a result of the rtk0 message? The spacing seems to be a
pattern; rtk0 changes the threshold, about four minutes later
/mnt/exports/dc goes away, and about four minutes after that swap goes
away, both of which return apparently as soon as network traffic dies off.
There's nothing in the nfs/dhcpd server's logs about network errors or the
like. The nfs/dhcpd NetBSD machine has an Intel Pro/100+ NIC.
Is the Realtek network hardware choking? It appears to be. Is
there a workaround or anything I can do? Someone get Intel to make some
BBAs. :)
Now, wscons...How do we get it to work? Is it strictly a hardware
driver problem, or is there something inherent to wscons that specifically
precludes support for the PowerVR2 video hardware in the Dreamcast? I've
been poking around in #linuxdc on and they apparently
have a good framebuffer driver for this video hardware (among other things
that our port currently lacks). Is the problem just a lack of time for
someone to get wscons to play nice with the PowerVR2? If that's the case,
how would one get started with adding this support to wscons? I don't have
a lot of C programming experience, but I'm damn stubborn and willing to
give it a try.
I'm guessing the main problem with hardware support for
NetBSD/dreamcast is time.
------ --- -
Josh Tolbert
Every time the power flickers, a squirrel gets his wings.