Subject: Re: Kernel and world files available, and a quick setup guide!
To: Josh Tolbert <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 08/31/2002 21:26:14
--- Josh Tolbert <> wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> > WARNING: preposterous clock chip time
> Try booting without a CD and setting the Dreamcast's
> date and time to the
> correct time. Doing that took care of this warning
> for me.
Yeah, a lot of my machines have hosed up clocks, but
NTP has made me lazy about keeping them straight. My
router/firewall/server machine used to lose something
like 7 seconds a day until I synched it up with NTP.
Pretty cool...
I'm having a permission problem with mounting the swap
file. I don't know why this is. I did a chmod 777 on
it and modified your dc/etc/exports file to match the
path to mine and it still doesn't work.
I'm working on re-extracting the tarball of world
because I think a few permissions got screwy. I don't
remember if I used "p" in the tar switches.
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