Subject: Re: Dreamcasts are fun...
To: Gregg C Levine <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 09/01/2002 20:33:48
--- Gregg C Levine <> wrote:
> Hello from Gregg C Levine
> I second the motion. Just discovering that the thing
> can do more then just
> play games, is a credit to ourselves. Andy that's a
> nice status page you've
> got there, or should I say your machine does. Now
> the question for the
> evening. How long has it been running, or even up?
I just got the thing to boot multi user yesterday
morning, and it's been rebooted numerous times since.
It was up all day today for the most part though. I
just rebooted another time thinking I had fixed this
naughty NFS mounting of swap problem and I haven't...
It's really bugging me because I know it's something
The main problem I've had with it for the most part is
random reboots during builds. It rebooted during the
build of apache, but I went back and started it again
and it finished. I have no idea why this was
happening, there was no evidence anywhere. I suppose
it could be a blip in the network or memory usage or
something similar. These are the kinds of things we
need to figure out and fix if at all possible.
Josh was talking about "where do we go from here". I
don't know either. But it would be pretty cool to get
a true netboot scenario going so we could load the
kernel over the network. That will save burning CD's
all the time. I haven't done this yet but it will be
my next thing I learn. I'd also like to try to have
the dreamcast build it's own kernel and userland, but
with random reboots during the build of smaller stuff,
I wonder if this is feasible until we figure out why.
Plenty to do, where to start?
(I'm no C coder, my background is Finance and later
MIS, which landed me a rather technical computer job.
Funny how this stuff happens...)
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