Subject: Re: wscons questions
To: Josh Tolbert <>
From: Peter Stewart - Sun Ireland - Software Engineer <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 09/02/2002 10:27:01
There is a mouse driver, I think Jason Thorpe added one ages ago. You 
will have to add it in your kernel configuration, it is called:

mms*    at maple? port ? subunit ?
wsmouse*    at mms? mux0

not sure about that mux0, just going on what is in other configs :-)


Josh Tolbert wrote:

>Hi Marcus,
>	Hrmmm...I'm not sure how to describe what I find lacking in
>wscons. Virtual console support (I'm probably calling that the wrong
>thing; I want ctr+alt+F console switching) would be nice. Im' not too
>concerned about hardware acceleration, but one can always hope. :)
>	My ultimate goal for my Dreamcast is to use it as a remote xterm.
>To do that, X needs to run, and from what I understand X requires wscons
>to support the framebuffer device you're using. I have yet to try to
>compile X, so I don't know if the wscons assumption is true. I'm sorry if
>I don't have things straight. :(
>	Also, to use the Dreamcast as a remote xterm, mouse support is
>almost a necessity. I wish I had more than a cursory grasp of C so I could
>work on a mouse driver. Are there any hardware driver quick guides out
>there? :)
>------     ---   -
>Josh Tolbert
>Every time the power flickers, a squirrel gets his wings.
>On 1 Sep 2002, Marcus Comstedt wrote:
>>Josh Tolbert <> writes:
>>>2) Aug 31 21:31:39 dreamcast /netbsd: rtk0: transmit underrun; new
>>>threshold: 320 bytes
>>>Aug 31 21:35:17 dreamcast /netbsd: nfs server
>>> not responding
>>>Aug 31 21:39:08 dreamcast /netbsd: nfs server
>>> not responding
>>>Aug 31 21:39:08 dreamcast /netbsd: nfs server
>>> is alive again
>>>Aug 31 21:39:08 dreamcast /netbsd: nfs server
>>> is alive again
>>>Those transmit underrun/new threshold messages make me nervous. The fact
>>>that I lost / and swap NFS shares really makes me nervous. Are the two
>>>missing shares a result of the rtk0 message? The spacing seems to be a
>>>pattern; rtk0 changes the threshold, about four minutes later
>>>/mnt/exports/dc goes away, and about four minutes after that swap goes
>>>away, both of which return apparently as soon as network traffic dies off.
>>>There's nothing in the nfs/dhcpd server's logs about network errors or the
>>>like. The nfs/dhcpd NetBSD machine has an Intel Pro/100+ NIC.
>>>	Is the Realtek network hardware choking? It appears to be. Is
>>>there a workaround or anything I can do? Someone get Intel to make some
>>>BBAs. :)
>>Yeah, the Realtek chip can't really sustain a 100 Mbps link.  Talk 10
>>Mbps to it and it should behave better.
>>>	Now, wscons...How do we get it to work? Is it strictly a hardware
>>>driver problem, or is there something inherent to wscons that specifically
>>>precludes support for the PowerVR2 video hardware in the Dreamcast? I've
>>Uh, no, since the Dreamcast port _is_ using wscons, I dare say there's
>>nothing precluding support for it.  :-)
>>>been poking around in #linuxdc on and they apparently
>>>have a good framebuffer driver for this video hardware (among other things
>>>that our port currently lacks).
>>It might be useful if you explain what you find lacking in the current
>>driver.  (I'm not saying that it _isn't_, just that it helps if you
>>are a bit more specific...)  Are you talking about hardware 3D
>>  // Marcus