Subject: Re: IP upload slave questions...
To: None <>
From: Josh Tolbert <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 09/03/2002 03:20:55
Hi guys,
I've got 'er whipped. I burned a CD of Marcus' IP upload slave. I
then ping the Dreamcast to see if it's up. If it is, I use netcat (nc) to
push a kernel to the Dreamcast, and the rest is history.
I'm going to write a sh script to automate the process. The gist
of the script will be:
1) ping -c 1 -w 0.1 the dreamcast every ten seconds or so.
2) If the DC is up (test the return value of ping) and a control var has
the right value, use netcat to send the kernel and set the control var to
"not ok to send."
3) If the DC is not up, make sure the control var is set to signal ok to
send the kernel next time the DC is.
One could avoid using netcat if the use of the portal filesystem
was used, but I want to keep things portable to those that won't be using
NetBSD as the nfs/dhcpd/whatever server for the Dreamcast.
Once I get the process ironed out a page of directions will be
linked from my existing Dreamcast guide. I might provide the two files to
burn the CD again...But honestly, it's not that hard. :)
------ --- -
Josh Tolbert
Every time the power flickers, a squirrel gets his wings.
On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Josh Tolbert wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've been toying around with Marcus' IP upload slave program. It
> seems to work very well, but it requires a bit of interaction to be made
> to work. I know that adding a static arp entry can be done pretty easily,
> but is there any way to "listen" for the Dreamcast on the nfs/dhcpd
> server?
> Thanks,
> Josh
> ------ --- -
> Josh Tolbert
> Every time the power flickers, a squirrel gets his wings.