Subject: Re: Kernel Thoughts
To: None <>
From: Leonardo Weiss Chaves <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 09/25/2002 03:20:08

   isn't it possible to implement something like a
netboot for the Dreamcast? Like on my PC for instance:
I made a boot-rom for my network card and created a
bootdisk with it using lilo, so that I only need one
disk to boot any OS I want over DHCP/NFS. Wouldn't it
be possible to make a boot-rom for the dreamcast and
put it on a CD-Rom? It would surely make linux and
netbsd development for the dreamcast much easyer. Here
a reference:


Leonardo Weiss

--- Izumi Tsutsui <> wrote:
> In article <>
> wrote:
> > loading? If so, is it possible to create a CD that
> instructs the system to 
> > go  find a new kernel via NFS and load it? If so,
> how? 
> Kernels with kloader support can load a new kernel
> to boot
> from any filesystem. It is port specific feature and
> originally implemented for hpc* ports, but works on
> dreamcast
> with patch in my previous post.
> ---
> Izumi Tsutsui

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