Subject: Re: 1.6-release for port-dreamcast?
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 01/11/2003 18:01:12
In article <>
I wrote:

> Anyway, I'll also try to build pkgsrc/devel/glib on my DC.

Hmm, I also got the similar panic during configure in devel/glib:

checking whether pthread_mutex_trylock is posix like... panic: tlb_handler: invalid user-space access from kernel mode va=0x00000000, ssr=0x400000f0, spc=0x8c13abb4  proc=0x8c8ad850 onfault=0x8c10d1b6
Stopped in pid 14256 (conftest) at	cpu_Debugger+0x6:	mov	r14, 415
db> tr
cpu_Debugger() at panic+0x20
panic() at tlb_exception+0x238
tlb_exception() at 0x8c000484
sh3/cache_sh4.h() at	0

This seems reprodusable.
I'll track this problem later (though I'm not an SH expert).
Izumi Tsutsui