Subject: Re: NetBSD Guide help
To: Andy R <>
From: Alex Kirk <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/10/2003 18:42:40
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> In the beginning I kept reading "Go and read the
> diskless manpage" over and over, but it wasn't making
> sense. If I had a list of what needed to happen step
> by step in order for something to boot off the
> network, which I didn't have then, it would have
> helped because I could analyze each step and learn
> about what I needed to do to make each happen
> successfully.
This is a valid point. I remember the "diskless manpage" (as it were) was
particularly difficult to break into as a newbie to the subject (but not
UNIX in general). Perhaps we ought to look it over, find obvious problems,
and submit some fixes.
> I thought I wrote something simple and sent it to the
> list a while back, but I can't find it. I'll try to do
> this again. I think adding something like this to the
> NetBSD FAQ and possibly even the diskless doc may
> help. It would certainly give us more "ammo" against
> questions like this as far as RTFMing advice. I wanted
> to know what FM to read too! Reading the man page for
> dhcpd doesn't give much connection to nfsd, not
> obvious anyway in the context of a diskless client.
> See what I'm getting at?
Yes, I certainly do. It seems like the NetBSD team will always welcome diffs
to improve documentation...this is what should be done, I think.
Since you're the one who's complained the most vehemently on the subject,
Andy, do you think you could at least compile a list of which docs are the
worst? I'll be happy to do rewrites, I'd just like to make sure I don't miss
anything you think is particularly nasty.
Alex Kirk
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