Subject: Re: NetBSD Guide help
To: Andy R <>
From: Alex Kirk <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/10/2003 20:26:06
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> I will begin work on this soon. I'm warning you
> though, it's just going to be a "cookbook" of
> programs/daemons needed and in what order they run in
> order to get a diskless client to boot. And it's going
> to be in the context of Dreamcast and Sparc, which are
> the only 2 I've ever netbooted successfully.
> The need for this isn't 100% obvious to me yet since
> netbooting has been around for as long as reliable
> networks just about, and people have been doing it a
> long time. Maybe this documentation already exists
> somewhere and I missed it? I certainly spent some
> hours trying to find it though...
> My only reason for something like this would be to
> prevent conceptual questions on netbooting itself (oh,
> also known as diskless clients for those who didn't
> make the connection). I understand what dhcp does. I
> know what nfs does, I know what tftpd and arp and all
> the rest are. Now, how to tie it all together? That
> will be what I try for.
Perhaps a smart thing to do before we invest too much effort into this would
be to make a collection of all of the NetBSD documentation on the subject,
and then see if it can be modified to explain properly. I think we're a lot
more likely to get diffs to existing documents published than something
entirely new...and hey, any work we can save is a good thing. I'd have to
say, though, that after a quick perusal, "man diskless" definitely is a big
candidate for updating.
Alex Kirk
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