Subject: Re: build aborts in regress/lib/libpthread/sem
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/13/2003 22:06:27
In article <> wrote:
> > BTW, I have some questions about current G2_LOCK/UNLOCK implementation:
> >
> > - In G2_LOCK, it uses _cpu_exception_suspend(), but shouldn't we
> > use _cpu_intr_suspend() instead?
> The call was initially disable_intr(), but was changed by uch to
> _cpu_exception_suspend().
I checked old disable_intr() in sh3/include/cpufunc.h,
but it was similar with current _cpu_exception_suspend().
> I don't know the definition of this macro,
> but the important thing is that the bus cycle which accesses the G2
> bus will not be interrupted. An exception might interrupt the bus
> cycle just as an interrupt would, so it should be safest to diable
> both by setting the block bit in the status register.
Hmm, but is it really Ok to block all exceptions?
I don't think TLB miss or illegal instruction could be blocked.
(Then exception during _cpu_exception_suspend() would cause reboot?)
> > - In G2_UNLOCK, it implicitly pass zero to _cpu_exception_resume(),
> > but shouldn't we restore returned value from the previous
> > _cpu_exception_suspend() in G2_LOCK?
> Probably. As I said, I don't know the definition of these macros, but
> if exceptions were already disabled on entry to the bus_mem function,
> they should remain disabled upon exit.
The old enable_intr() didn't restore the previous SR.BL.
I guess uch just replaced both old macros with the new functions
which did the same things..
Izumi Tsutsui