Subject: Clustering the dreamcast?
To: None <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 05/27/2003 10:50:54
I had said a while back something about when these
game consoles become cheap enough they could make
useful machines upon which to build a cluster. Seemed
like a pipe-dream at the time but maybe not? Looks
like the University of Illinois has already started
with the PS2 and Linux:


There are a few problems in the near future with doing
this, but maybe it will be more feasible later on when
more of the hardware becomes cheaper/commodity.

Right now I can't see doing anything like this with
the Dreamcast due to availability of the network
adapter and the relative crappiness of it. Although
those people that hooked up a hard drive and network
adapter may be onto something... The problem with this
PS2 cluster example is that each one had to have the
"linux" kit installed which isn't cheap. It sure would
be nice if these things could all be netbooted or use
cheap commodity PC hardware...

This isn't a dreamcast specific topic but it sort of
makes all of this work that has been done with these
lowly game consoles legitimate. 


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