Subject: Anyone going to try NetBSD on the GameCube?
To: None <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 01/19/2005 12:06:10
I don't know the right place to ask this, so I'll ask it here.
There is a way to boot code on a GameCube now with no modifications to
the box. It's not really cheap to do it, but it's do-able.
There is a linux site at, but it's not very well
documented for a user. As a matter of fact, it appears that useful
information about booting Linux is being withheld from this site, as
far as I can tell.
I don't know what hardware is in a GameCube other than PPC processor.
Don't know if NetBSD drivers already exist for the stuff in it. If so,
it might be easy (for someone who knows this stuff) to get it
working... Wish I knew more about hardware hacking...