Subject: Alchemy users, Au1550, introduction
To: None <>
From: Garrett D'Amore <>
List: port-evbmips
Date: 09/29/2005 09:19:29
Hi all,
I wanted to do a few things here. First introduce myself --- I'm
working on a port to the Alchemy Au1550 and the DBAu1550 eval board.
I've got to the point where I have a shell prompt on the serial port and
networking going.
I'll be adding support for most of the onboard devices -- PCI, PCMCIA,
Audio, and crypto are all on my plan. Also, fixing USB support for this
board is on my list.
Some of this has relevance for at least the Au1500, and possibly other
Alchemy products (though I've not looked much at the other products.)
Wasabi has done a lot of the initial work for the 1500, but there still
remains a lot yet to be done, and there are differences with the 1550.
Second, I'm interested in hearing from other folks who are using Alchemy
products with NetBSD. And I'm even more interested in hearing from
folks who may also be actively working on the port.
Third, this is my first experience with NetBSD, and while I have lots of
experience with other OS' (typically proprietary), there is always some
os-specific "secrets" (or maybe undocumented common wizdom :-) that can
help folks working on ports. If anyone has any specific advice on
things I should be looking at, or gotchas that aren't documented
anywhere, I'd love to hear them.
Thanks, and stay tuned. I expect either Matthias Scheler (who will be
working with me on this) or I will be committing changes to improve
Alchemy support in the coming days. :-)
-- Garrett